Top 10 Educational Website Totally Free

  Top 10 Free Educational Website

Welcome friends,  When Teacher get some assignment, they start searching on google and wasting their time. But we are here to solve this problem. We are coming up with on Top Websites that provide you all exact topic material, subjectmaterials, newspaper, PPT presentation and Pdf notes etc.

1. WWW.IPL.ORG : IPL stands for INTERNET PUBLIC LIBRARY (IPL) This website launched in January 2010, merging the collections of resources from the IPL  and the Librarians' Internet Index (LII) website. This website provided study material in following Category

A- Resources by subjects (For K to 12, higher education)
B- News Paper & Magzines (News and more than 2000 magazines available according to world region)
C-Special Collections Created by IPL2 (Best website/blogs, Authorpage, museums and webtechnologies etc.)
D-For Kids- (In this part, They provide services such as references, dictionaries, math and science etc.)
E-For Teens and Researcher- (Weblinks for school homework help, research paper guide, reading & writiing, handle your finances as such etc.)

2. OPENLEARN.OPEN.AC.UK : The Open University "Learning Space" is providing 600 free online courses. You can choose different level from short , introductory courses, certificate and diplomas to undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees etc. You can access all materials in 4 format (Online, Print or Download and RSS feed) as per your requirement and eases.

3. OCW.MIT.EDU : MIT Open CourseWare has 2000 courses for graduate and undergraduate student. Courses are divided according department such as History, Management, Computer, and Economics etc.

4. WWW.DIGITALBOOKINDEX.ORG /.COM : One of the most comprehensive sources for free, downloadable & web-based library. Its providing Pdf, Mobile/iphone format and Audio format e-Books and materials for students. Its awarded by Bexley Council (UK)
This website can browse by subject, search option, author name or title of book, American studies, Net library by subjects ect.

5. : This is Indian website which provides free registration for Users to access all study eBooks, Audio, and Video learning etc. This website govern by IGNOU.

6OCW.UCI.EDU : (Open courseWare- University of california, Irvine) Its provides online access of courses according to their category. It provides short, simple and easy language courses. : Again its an Indian website funded by ministry of HRD Govt. of India. It is joint initiative of the IITs and IISs. This website provides e-Learning through online web and video courses in engineering, science, management and humanities streams. You can also access its video channel on YOUTUBE click here for access video 

8WWW.NCERT.NIC.IN : (For K to XII class students) Its online services which offers easy access the NCERT textbook . This website covers all subjects book published by NCERT for Class K to XII in Hindi, English, and Urdu. It is free to download e-books and all materials.

9. OCW.USU.EDU : (Utah State University Open CourseWare) Its provides services according to available department. The users can access its content from RSS feed / click oon schedule /and get all notes and materials in audio (lecture) and HTML (assignment) form.

10. WWW.COMMLABINDIA.COM : This is an indian website which provides free courses materials for students and teachers. It services category are listed below

A- e-Learning Webinars
B- e-Learning courses
C- e-Learning presentation
D- e-Learning whitepapers & e-books
E- e-Learning Hubs
F- e-Learning Videos
G- e-Learning Publications
H- e-Learning Tools and Components
I- e-Learning Glossary
J - e-Learning Educational blog/Edge/Industry news & links etc.

Here some more Useful websites Given
1- (Video Lectures, Video Courses, Science Animations, Lecture Notes, Online Test, Lecture Presentations. Absolutely FREE.)
2- (Presentation, Pdf books, News artical, Magzines etc.)
3- (Magazines, News Papers, Articals, Novel, Books etc.)
4- (The journals of decision makers) all articals, e-books and pdf available for management student. Its published by IIM-A)
5- (Presentation, articals, case study etc.)

for more information go through

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